House Flipper

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Imagine you have enough skills and costs to refurbish your house? What exactly will you do first? If you do not have repair work experience, no worries! You can train and realize your ideas in House Flipper, a project where you will be transforming old houses into stylish mansions. How to play it? Just select a house, explore it and change everything you like, including even furniture inside it.

Buy an old house and turn it into a candy!

You will have to buy a piece of almost ruined property. But before that you must earn some money for this purchase. Accept some repair orders, complete them successfully and get paid. Soon you will accumulate enough costs for your first house. Now it is time to turn it into the house of your dream! Break and rebuild walls, paint floors and ceiling and whatever you may want to change inside your new home. After the work is completed, you can sell this house and get a new one for even a more serious repair project!

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